Windows 10 RedStone 1 14915 x86-x64 Aio 30 in 1 Gratis Terbaru Version Download 2023
Windows 10 RedStone 1 14915 x86-x64 Aio 30 in 1 Adguard kumpulan driver windows 10 terlengkap dengan update sampai dengan bulan yang berisi windows 10 segala versi untuk sistem 32 Bit dan juga 64 Bit. Dapat dikatakan jika Windows 10 RedStone 1 ini merupakan windows 10 AIO terlengkap yang pernah ada hingga saat ini. Anda akan mendapatkan sekitar 30 jenis windows 10 mulai dari windows 10 Home Edition sampai dengan windows 10 Enterprise untuk sistem windows 32 Bit dan juga windows 64 Bit. Di dalam windows 10 ini juga sudah terdapat microsoft net framework 3.5, jadi anda tidak perlu menginstal secara manual net framework 3.5 tersebut.
Beberapa aplikasi penting juga sudah otomatis terinstal ketika anda menginstal Windows 10 RedStone 1 ini. Diantaranya adalah adobe flash player terbaru, adobe air,microsoft visual c++, dan beberapa aplikasi penunjang lainnya. Windows ini bukan windows preactivated, jadi nanti setelah proses instalasi silahkan anda aktifkan windows ini menggunakan activator yang sudah ada di dalam folder activator yang otomatis ada setelah anda instal windows 10 ini ke komputer atau laptop anda.
System Requirements:
- Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or more.
- RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB).
- Free space on hard drive space: 16 gigabytes (GB).
- Graphics card: graphics device Microsoft DirectX 9 or later.
- Additional requirements to use certain features.
- To use the touch features require tablet or monitor that supports multi-touch.
- To access the Windows Store to download and run applications that require an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024×768 pixels
- de-en-x64_v16.01.28_by_adguard.iso
- CRC-32: 158398b3
- MD4: fcfde95b319c88e254b6b7b1d3077369
- MD5: 9ad2a1591c5b0973e600f32dcaff5a85
- SHA-1: f8febbdf7474833a6ecafac844f91361760c7e5c
The composition of the assembly:
- Windows 10 Home Single Language (32 bit-) – English
- Windows 10 Home Single Language (64 bit-) – English
- Windows 10 Home (32 bit-) – English
- Windows 10 Home ( 64-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Education (32-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Education (64-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Enterprise ( 32-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) – English
- Windows 10 Home Single Language (32-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Home Single Language (64-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Home (32-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Home (64-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Education (32-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Education (64-bit) – German
- Windows 10 Enterprise (32 bit-) – German
- Windows 10 Enterprise (64 bit-) – German
- Windows 10 Home Single Language (32 bit-) – Russian
- Windows 10 Home Single Language (64 bit-) – Russian
- Windows 10 Home (32- bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Home (64-bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Pro (32-bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Education (32-bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Education (64- bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Enterprise (32-bit) – Russian
- Windows 10 Enterprise (64-bit) – Russian
The application is automatically installed during the installation of the operating system:
- Adobe Flash Player, plug-in for Windows (for Firefox and Netscape)
- The Flash Player Get Adobe Plugin, a plugin for Windows (for the Opera browser, and Chromium)
- Adobe AIR, which allows to use HTML / CSS, Ajax, Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex to migrate web applications to the desktop.
- The Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.41212.0, plug-in player for the browser
- The Microsoft Visual C ++ (-), a system component, more in demand in the games
- DirectX, system component, more in demand in the games.
Main features:
- Integrated NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)
- Integrated language packs: English, German, Russian;
- Systems were in audit mode. All changes made by standard means of Microsoft.
Additional material:
- After installation on the system disk will be created a folder with additional material.
- In the folder “Activators”, which is on the system drive, these activators are here:
- KMSAuto Lite v1.2.4 Portable
- KMSAuto Net * Portable v1.4.2
- Re-Loader Activator 2.2 Final
* – It is used in the auto-activation Windows.
Kemudian mungkin ada beberapa kawan yang belum pernah menginstal windows namun ingin mencoba menginstal windows tersebut sendiri. Nah bagi anda yang ingin mencoba menginstal windows sendiri di laptop atau pc, silahkan anda lihat panduan cara instal ulang windows dengan mengklik tautan di bawah ini.
Panduan Lengkap Cara Instal Ulang Windows di PC atau Laptop
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Windows 10 RedStone 1 x86-x64 Aio 30 in 1 Adguard (3.7 Gb)
Windows 10 RedStone 1 x86-x64 Aio 30 in 1 Adguard (3.7 Gb)