Stream-Cloner 2.50 Build 306 Retakan Terbaru Download 2023
Stream-Cloner 2.50 Build 306 Full Crack adalah software download manager yang dapat anda gunakan untuk mendownload video, film, dan juga acara tv langsung dari internet. Selain mendownload video, anda juga dapat mendownload file musik, gambar, dan juga data dari sebuah video yang anda lihat tersebut. Berbagai macam situs video online yang populer saat ini sudah support dengan program ini diantaranya : youtube, dailymotion, netflix, hulu, faceboox, vevo, dan lainnya. Dengan menggunakan software Stream Cloner Full ini video yang anda download tersebut dapat disimpan dan diputar ulang di komputer anda sendiri.
Stream-Cloner Full ini juga dapat mengkonversi file video yang anda download tersebut, kemudian ada juga fitur mengambil screenshoot dari video secara live, dan berbagai macam fitur menarik lainnya. Tampilan antarmuka yang sederhana dari software Stream Cloner Full ini membuat anda dapat dengan mudah memahami semua fitur yang ada.
Features Of Stream-Cloner
- Downloads/Captures online videos intelligently with fire-new interfaces of Stream-Cloner 2.
- Downloads online movies, streaming videos, music, images, data files, etc from all kinds of HTTP protocols.
- Downloads online videos from all video or video-sharing websites such as YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Facebook, IMDB, VEVO, AOL, iFilm, My space,, Vimeo,, Movieweb, Video.yahoo¹, etc.
- Displays all links of the current webpage so that you can download some or all contents of the page.
- The intuitive interface enables you to add a URL manually to download videos or enter the main interface to download videos with the internal browser.
- Captures streaming videos or anything playing on the PC.
- Converts the downloaded and captured streaming videos to various video and audio formats for your convenience.
- Plays back the downloaded/captured/converted video files with the software’s built-in video player directly.
- Downloads/captures streaming videos under the 1-Click Download and 1-Click Capture interfaces quite easily.
- Select the target format to convert before downloading the streaming video.
- The included crash-proof web browser supports for reopening closed web pages.
- Captures online videos from all video websites, such as Netflix, iTunes, Redbox¹, etc.
- Draws a capture frame manually or picks an object for capture automatically.
- Manually add a specific category for collecting your various kinds of files privately.
- Select whether to be notified when detecting video URLs in the internal browser.
- Downloads and converts multiple tasks at one time.
- Automatically tries again when the download task fails.
- Set hot keys for the buttons of “Start/Pause” and “Stop” on the capture interface.
- Free technical support
System Requirements :
- Intel Core2 1.86GHz or a faster processor
- 2048MB of RAM
- 50GB free hard disk space (NTFS partition)
- Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
Cara Instal
- Download dan ekstrak file “Stream Cloner Full Crack” ini.
- Ekstrak juga file crack yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
- Instal programnya seperti biasa.
- Buka folder crack dan copy pastekan file “StreamCloner” ke folder instalasi program di pc atau laptop anda.
- Pilih copy and replace.
- Jalankan programnya dari file crack yang anda copy tadi.
- Done
Link Download
Stream Cloner Full Crack (15 Mb)
Crack Only (1.3 Mb)