RadioBOSS Advanced Edition Terbaru Download 2023
RadioBOSS Advanced Edition Full Crack adalah sebuah software yang dapat anda gunakan untuk membuat sebuah saluran radio anda sendiri secara professional. Bagi anda yang mempunyai cafe atau mungkin restoran kecil dan sering memainkan musik di cafe tersebut, maka RadioBOSS Full adalah sebuah program yang sangat anda butuhkan. Semua ftur penyiaran radio seperti pemutaran musik otomatis, internet streaming, volume control otomatis, crossfade, dan juga iklan anda sendiri.
RadioBOSS Full yang kami bagikan disini merupakan versi preactivated, jadi setelah anda instal program ini ke komputer akan langsung aktif dengan sendirinya tanpa perlu crack atau patch. Anda dapat menggunakan semua fitur premium dari software ini dengan gratis, tanpa perlu membeli license atau menggunakan software penyiaran radio lainnya.
- Produce professional, sophisticated audio programming for a fraction of the cost of other radio programming applications. Robust support for Internet broadcasters. – Built-in support for Internet streaming (Shoutcast v1, v2, Icecast, Windows Media Services), automatically sending metadata (upload to FTP, HTTP request, text or XML file) and using streamed Internet audio in playlists.
- Work the way you want. RadioBOSS lets you grab, use and work with your preferred audio formats, Winamp and VST plugins, multichannel cards (4.0, 5.1, 7.1 etc), individualized RadioBOSS profiles.
- Create sophisticated professional playlists with crossfade support, automatic volume leveling, timed announcements, block rotations, advertising volume enhancement and more.
- RadioBOSS’s seven years of continuous improvement and enhancement means you can trust RadioBOSS to play unattended for days, weeks and months.
- AUX Players (can be added in Zone 2 and Zone 3)
- Third work zone added. It can host: AUX playlist, Web browser, Cart wall, File explorer and Search (View->Work Zones->3).
- Email notifications on error, silence detector actions, and other events
- Do not launch events when MIC is on (Settings->Inputs->Advanced)
- Play intro file when broadcasting encoder connected
- Podcast playback (check “Podcast” when adding a URL)
- A setting added to change the font in secondary windows (Settings->View->Other windows font)
- New settings added to change color scheme + two default color schemes (dark/silver)
- Added ability to change the playback control buttons’ style
- Playlist columns show/hide (View->Playlist columns)
- Ability to load/save Cart Wall to a file
- Loop option in Cart wall
- Now it’s possible to make the playlist tab non-playable (right click a tab)
- Custom title format for encoders, also possible to disable metadata for the encoder
- OPUS broadcasting and playbackWhat’s New in RadioBOSS 5.4:
- Fixed a track list repeat protection bug
- Fixed: macro in TTS didn’t work when text was loaded from a file
- Fixed voice tracking bug
- Fixed occasional incorrect calculation of playlist duration and wrong data in the playlist columns
- Fixed: some network streams did not play all the way to the end
- Fixed incorrect DTMF detector behavior when the network stream source was used
- Fixed title error for Podcast streams
- Improved duplicate track highlighting in the playlist
- “clearplaylist” command fixed
- Immproved sorting order when adding a foler to the playlist
- Music Library: fixed statistics
- Fixed silence detector bug
- Removed video window frame when using a non-Windows style
- Improved software performance
Cara Instal
- Download dan ekstrak file “RadioBOSS Advanced Edition Full Crack”.
- Ekstrak juga file crack yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
- Instal programnya seperti biasa.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan dulu masuk ke programnya.
- Buka folder crack, lalu copy pastekan semua file yang ada di dalamnya ke folder instalasi program “RadioBOSS” di pc atau laptop anda.
- Pilih copy and replace.
- Jalankan programnya dari file crack yang anda copy tadi.
- Done
Link Download