Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v12.5 Retakan Terbaru Download 2023
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom v12.5 Full Version adalah sebuah aplikasi editing foto yang memiliki fitur yang sangat lengkap tetapi memiliki tampilan antarmuka yang sederhana sehingga sangat mudah dipahami bahkan oleh pemula sekalipun. Anda yang sedang mencari aplikasi editing foto yang bagus dan terbaru, maka software Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Full Version ini adalah software yang sangat tepat untuk anda tersebut. Fitur yang disediakan oleh aplikasi yang satu ini sangatlah banyak dan beragam, sehingga anda dapat melakukan edit foto dengan hasil yang lebih sempurna jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan aplikasi sejenis lainnya.
Berbagai hal dapat anda lakukan dengan menggunakan Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Full Version ini, diantaranya : menyesuaikan warna, kontras, tone, dan juga balance, memperbaiki detail foto dengan sangat detail, Membuat semua detail foto keluar baik yang kekurangan cahaya maupun terlalu banyak cahaya, bahkan anda juga dapat membuat video berupa slide fot dari kumpulan foto-foto yang anda punya menggunakan aplikasi Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Full Version ini.
Features Of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
- Creativity and flexibility
Bring out the best in every image with Lightroom. Experiment freely with comprehensive image processing tools in a nondestructive environment. - Tone and color
Precisely adjust color, tone, and contrast. Easily make beautiful black-and-white conversions. - Detail and correction
Use powerful tools to maximize detail and perfect your images. Sharpen, reduce noise, add grain, and correct lens defects and perspective distortion - Saving time and working efficiently
Get all your digital photography tools in one intuitive solution. Make one-click adjustments to multiple images, create and store timesaving presets, and more. - Highlight and shadow recovery
Bring out all the detail that your camera captures in dark shadows and bright highlights. Now you have more power than ever before to create great images in challenging light. - Photo book creation
Create beautiful photo books from your images with a variety of easy-to-use templates included in Lightroom. Upload your book for printing with just a few clicks. Receive 20% off from Blurb on your first book created using Lightroom software.* - Location-based organization
Find and group images by location, easily assign locations to images, or plot a photo journey. Automatically display location data from GPS-enabled cameras and camera phones. - Extended video support
Organize, view, and make adjustments to video clips. Play and trim clips, extract still images from them, or adjust clips with the Quick Develop tool.
Main Characteristic Of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
- An intuitive environment with tools designed specifically for photographers.
- Organization, evaluation of images and the addition of a copyright symbol.
- Create image presets.
- Integration with Photoshop.
- Adjust the settings of multiple images with one click.
- Cross-platform support for 64-bit architecture,
- Support for DSLR video files – Interoperability with most digital SLR cameras makes it easy to monitor and organize static photos and videos.
- Adding watermarks – embedding a logo (text or graphic watermark) in the image, adjusting the size, position and transparency.
- Quick import images – the import interface is easy to navigate, contains clear visual indicators of where and how the photos will be located after import.
- Correction perspective – the possibility of non-destructive correction of the picture perspective.
- Flexible print settings. Tools allow you to drag one image or several images to a page, and then change their location and size.
- Lens correction – correction of lens defects, such as geometry violation, chromatic aberration, vignetting, etc.
- Download on the Internet – the ability to upload images on Facebook, SmugMug and Flickr. When you add comments to pictures, these messages are instantly displayed in the Adobe
- Photoshop Lightroom library next to the corresponding photos.
- Create a slide show with music. Ready-made slideshows can easily be shared with the help of exports (including high-resolution).
- Photographing in conjunction with the computer – instant import and display of the photo after the camera fixes the picture.
- Simulation of film grain. The tools make it easy to control the grain parameters that can be applied to the image to simulate the appearance of the film
Cara Instal Adobe Photoshop LightRoom Full Version :
- Download part 1 dan part 2.
- Letakkan ke dalam folder yang sama, lalu ekstrak saja part 1nya. (otomatis part 2 ikut terekstrak dan menjadi 1 folder).
- Ekstrak juga file crack yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
- Instal programnya seperti biasa.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, silahkan anda masuk ke dalam programnya.
- Buat akun adobe dengan email bebas untuk mendapatkan trial dari adobe dulu.
- Setelah anda berhasil registrasi akun adobe dan masuk ke aplikasi lightroom. Silahkan anda keluar dari programnya.
- Buka folder crack, lalu copy pastekan file yang ada ke dalam folder instalasi “Lightroom” di pc atau laptop anda.
- Pilih copy and replace.
- Jalankan programnya dari file crack yang anda copy tadi.
- Done.
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